Hear from the team

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Hear from the team

Over my first few months I have been chatting to new and older members of our team to find out; why they joined, what they have been working on and looking to the future.

It’s clear we have some great people and as a growing business it’s great to hear what has been important to them and that we’re meeting those expectations and looking to continually improve.

Several themes emerged but the variety and working alongside great people are two standouts. Hear more from our team below:

  • Dan is a Consultant Software Engineer who started with us in 2022

    On joining San Digital…

    “I was excited by the work, the variety and the passion of the leadership team. I love the idea of working with smaller clients where you can see the impact of what you do. It’s also exciting to join early on and really be part of something.”

    On San Digital so far…

    “Since I joined I’ve mostly been working on the front end. It’s interesting using tools I haven’t touched before with React and MaterialUI and some work with Azure. That’s one of the reasons why I joined, I’m excited to work with any (modern!) technology, we’ve been building a website for a client I’ve enjoyed working with. It’s great as a growing team that we all know each other, and we all help out on the work.”

    On the future…

    “I’m looking forward to future projects. What’s going to be great is being an engineer that can be hands on but close to the customer and helping solve their problems. We’re only going to take on work we all want to do.”

  • Andy is Head of Engineering, joining in 2021 as one of the first members of the team

    On joining San Digital…

    “I wanted to feel the impact of my work more and whilst I’d never worked in consultancy that aspect was really appealing too. I was keen to work with different technologies and clients across multiple industries and there aren’t many places you can get that.”

    On San Digital so far…

    “We have built a web app for a client as well as 2 mobile apps for different organisations. I’ve been working with Azure, next.js, react.js and react native.”

    On the future…

    “It’s exciting to be a part of our growth, we’re learning as a new leadership team, but we all have the same passion for technology as well as focus on people and growing in the right way. One thing that is different is the ability to be involved in picking work and clients, there are some interesting wearable and IoT projects on the horizon.”

  • Simon is a Consultant Software Engineer who started with us in 2022

    On joining San Digital…

    “I was attracted to San Digital by the positive attitude and approach of the owners. I love the idea that we can provide real, worthwhile improvements to businesses and be a trusted partner for their successes. I particularly enjoy the feeling of pride one gets when seeing clients use our software (and even win awards!). We’re lucky to have a fantastic team, who are a real pleasure to work with and the size of us means we can be quite dynamic and move quickly, which is another reason why I wanted to join; breaking down some of the barriers than can bog others down. My favourite element is the pure variety and uniqueness of each project.”

    On San Digital so far…

    “I have mainly been developing front end solutions, working with React, TypeScript and React Native. Since I have joined I have learned so much already! I am relishing the opportunities that are provided to learn new languages and approaches to the development flow, as well as expanding and building on my existing knowledge. I am currently honing my automation testing skills in Cypress so that I can provide clients with an improved resilience and a more efficient platform for change.”

    On the future…

    “I am very excited about the future here at San Digital. We have some exciting projects on the horizon and are expanding our own team to support this. The thing that excites me the most is the ability to work closely with some interesting and future thinking businesses as I find them to be really inspiring.”

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