Implementing Software

  • Simon

Software projects fail when they solve the wrong problem, or no one uses them. If a project delivers there should be so much value that cost overruns aren’t the issue.

How to select software products

  • Simon

Selecting a software product is like choosing a house for your business to live in, except it’s more expensive and the risks are higher.

Revolutionise Your Content Management: Building Custom Apps for Contentful

  • Ryan

Integrating with Contentful is a quick and easy way to give non-developers Control over site content. But what if you want more?

Integration Testing! But what about emails?

  • Matt

Order success emails, Passwordless logins, testing rendering logic, how on earth can I test this?

Prolific North Tech Awards

  • Alec

A couple of weeks ago we shared that we made the shortlist at the upcoming Prolific North Tech Awards.

What if the web was inaccessible to everyone?

  • Ryan

Picture the scene: Your friend sends you a link to their new favourite ecommerce store (not built by San Digital), you have to buy their Products™!

How many solar panels can you fit on 10 Downing Street?

  • Matt

How many solar panels can you fit on 10 Downing Street?

Achievement unlocked! 150/150 projects delivered on time - what's our secret?

  • Lee

We often get asked what makes us so effective in delivering projects not only with high quality but also on time. It’s more than having a team of high-calibre engineers or the latest tools. Essentially, it’s about the consistent practises and habits we’ve cultivated. Here’s how we’ve built a framework that ensures each project crosses the finish line when it’s supposed to.

API First: A Smarter Way to Build Software

  • Ryan

API First has been growing in popularity over the years as a method of solving some common software development difficulties. If you want a deeper understanding of why anyone should care about API First and how to implement it, you’re in the right place.