Modern Office Add-ins: A world without Clippy and COM

  • Dan
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What do you think of when you hear ‘Office Add-ins’? Do you have nightmares about the twisted metallic face of Clippy who desperately wants to overwrite your stuff? Are you a developer waking up in cold sweats over COM and pointers-to-pointers, and the dread of having to rewrite your code for every version of Office? Fear not friends, for we now live in the future and there is a new way to build Office Add-ins and it is awesome!

Semantic Kernel simplified: can it streamline your business?

  • Lee
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Imagine seamlessly blending artificial intelligence (AI) with your day-to-day apps. You can do that with Semantic Kernel, a toolkit that simplifies using AI, making it as easy as picking up your morning coffee (OK, and you have already had one coffee).

AI lacks intelligence, but does it matter?

  • RvT
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“Orbiting at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are AI Chatbots is a pretty neat idea.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, revised

ECommerce is better with Mobile (and Saleor)

  • Matt
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An ECommerce journey on a mobile website is smooth enough… until it isn’t.

Future dads get Appcelerated

  • RvT
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It’s been a good year for San Digital. So we wanted to pass on some of our good fortune. We made a call on LinkedIn for ideas from charities under the hashtag #SanForGood and got some very interesting replies.

BOT or NOT! The ChatGPT detector bandwagon

  • RvT, Lee
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Tech loves a bit of hype, and it doesn’t any more hyperventilating than ChatGPT. Blockchain? NFT? Who cares anymore.

Next.js + GraphQL + Saleor

  • Martin, RvT
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San prides itself on delivering quality solutions in a timely fashion, and so building a fully functioning e-commerce store from scratch in just weeks was right-up our street. Plus, like all interesting projects, it generated some fascinating new skills.

Don’t be so Pushy

  • RvT, Lee
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To an earlier generation of marketers, the ability to push a personalised message into the pockets of your customers must seem almost magical. And then to have that message vibrate and chime too, to interrupt the customer from what they were doing and pay attention to you and your message. It’s everything that 20th century TV and newspaper ads weren’t.

Conference Democracy DDD

  • Matt
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How we leveraged AWS Native Serverless to deliver a voting app for the DDD East Midlands 2023 conference.