The state of play in the remote working debate

  • Alec

The state of play in the remote working debate

Redefining the Discovery Phase: ‘One-Sprint Consultancy’

  • RvT

Consultants have a lot of words for it, naturally: Discovery Phase, Preparation Phase, Sprint Zero, Needs Assessment Phase, Problem Definition Phase.

Modern Office Add-ins: A world without Clippy and COM

  • Dan

What do you think of when you hear ‘Office Add-ins’? Do you have nightmares about the twisted metallic face of Clippy who desperately wants to overwrite your stuff? Are you a developer waking up in cold sweats over COM and pointers-to-pointers, and the dread of having to rewrite your code for every version of Office? Fear not friends, for we now live in the future and there is a new way to build Office Add-ins and it is awesome!

Semantic Kernel simplified: can it streamline your business?

  • Lee

Imagine seamlessly blending artificial intelligence (AI) with your day-to-day apps. You can do that with Semantic Kernel, a toolkit that simplifies using AI, making it as easy as picking up your morning coffee (OK, and you have already had one coffee).

AI lacks intelligence, but does it matter?

  • RvT

“Orbiting at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are AI Chatbots is a pretty neat idea.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, revised

ECommerce is better with Mobile (and Saleor)

  • Matt

An ECommerce journey on a mobile website is smooth enough… until it isn’t.

Future dads get Appcelerated

  • RvT

It’s been a good year for San Digital. So we wanted to pass on some of our good fortune. We made a call on LinkedIn for ideas from charities under the hashtag #SanForGood and got some very interesting replies.

BOT or NOT! The ChatGPT detector bandwagon

  • RvT, Lee

Tech loves a bit of hype, and it doesn’t any more hyperventilating than ChatGPT. Blockchain? NFT? Who cares anymore.

Next.js + GraphQL + Saleor

  • Martin, RvT

San prides itself on delivering quality solutions in a timely fashion, and so building a fully functioning e-commerce store from scratch in just weeks was right-up our street. Plus, like all interesting projects, it generated some fascinating new skills.